We build homes and public premises
Porin YH-Asunnot has a long experience of real estate development. Our development operations and services include both our own building projects and real estate development consulting.
Professional builder
We have constructed over 4000 apartments and dozens of public spaces, such as service, business, school and other specialty premises in Pori. On top of that, we have carried out renovations and makeovers in thousands of apartments all around the city of Pori. Our first real estate development company, Porin Haka, constructed its first tenement as early as 1970.
Our sister company, Satakunnan YH-Rakennuttaja Oy, has carried out similar projects in the Satakunta region.
Comprehensive construction services
Our construction services comprise the whole construction process – from acquiring the building lot to annual inspections, when needed. According to our customer's needs, we will also offer or negotiate tailored construction solutions.
Our construction projects
Most notable own projects:
- Building the neighbourhoods of Pormestarinluoto and Sampola in the 70's and 80's, and their restorations in 2000
- Service apartments in the area of Karjaranta
- The rental housing district of Leppäkorventie
- Student and service apartments in the Hankkija area in Karjaranta, Pori
- Student apartments and their renovations on Taiteilijankatu, Maamiehenkatu, Tekniikantie, Korpraalitie and Tommilantie
- Housing cooperative Porin Säveltäjänlinna in central Pori
- Rental and office building Kiinteistö Oy Annankatu 8 in central Pori
Projects based on competitive tendering or negotiations:
- Ruskakoti service houses (3 phases)
- Ruskahovi and Ruskalinna (2 phases) makeovers from rental apartments into senior service apartments
- Porin Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy, makeover from a factory hall into an educational health center
- The Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, construction of education premises
- The Orthodox Church of Pori
- Housing company Satakruunu, service apartments for disabled people in different areas around the Satakunta region, and the total renovation of the Antinkartano properties
- Porin Vanhustenkotiyhdistys ry, several senior service houses and their renovations in Pori
- Eura municipality, several new rental houses and renovations of municipality-owned rental houses
- Porin perusturvakeskus/Porin Erityiskiinteistöt Oy, service houses for the disabled on various areas around the city
- Porin perusturvakeskus/Porin Palvelukiinteistöt Oy, service houses for seniors and the disabled in the Karjaranta area
- Rauman kaupunki/Kiinteistö Oy Rauman Palvelutalot, service houses for seniors and the disabled, and the premises for senior home service in Kaunisjärvi, Rauma
- Rauman kaupunki/Rauman Asunnot Oy, 95 rental apartments on Sorkantie, Rauma
Construction services contact information
Porin YH-Asunnot Oy Annankatu 8 / PL 19 28101 Pori
CEO Ilkka Träskelin Tel. +358 (0)44 701 2420
Construction agent Kati Lindén Tel. +358 (0)44 701 2411
Construction engineer Markus Kallio Tel. +358 (0)44 701 2421
Construction engineer Marko Kononen Tel. +358 (0)44 701 2419
Construction engineer Mikko Ollikainen Tel. +358 (0)44 701 2456
All e-mail addresses according to the format firstname.lastname@porinasunnot.fi