Housing rules make student life more comfortable
By following the housing rules you make student life more comfortable for everyone. The housing rules are set by the board of Porin YH-Asunnot. Please, make sure that you have read them.
House rules
- In addition to the stipulations of the laws, regulations and the housing company's bylaws, the tenants of the building and all members of their households must observe good general order and these house rules to ensure the common comfort of living in the building.
No one must disturb other tenants' comfort of living with improper behaviour or other unnecessary disturbance. People living in the house must observe general domestic peace.
Tenants must make sure that their guests also observe these rules and guidelines. - The entrance doors of the building are locked between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. People going in and out during this time must carefully ensure that the doors are locked after them.
- It is strictly forbidden to draw on the staircase and external walls or otherwise stain them.
- Trespassing and loud noises in the staircase are forbidden.
- It is forbidden to vent apartments into the staircase.
- Cleaning and dusting clothes and shoes in the staircase
is forbidden. - No items may be stored in the staircase (under the Rescue Act).
- Pets
- The dog owner, holder or the person taking care of the dog is responsible for ensuring that
- the dog does not stain staircases, passageways, lawns, planted areas or other yard areas, building walls or parked cars. The person walking the dog must make sure that no faeces remain on passageways;
- that the dog cannot bite or scare people in public places or cause other kinds of danger or damage;
- that the dog does not disturb the neighbours or neighbourhood by continuous barking or howling; and
- that the dog is always kept leashed or fenced or is wearing a collar indicating the name and phone number of its owner.
- Points 1 - 3 also apply to cats and other pets whenever applicable.
- The dog owner, holder or the person taking care of the dog is responsible for ensuring that
- Playing musical instruments, singing, and other loud activities that may disturb neighbours should always be avoided, and such activities are forbidden between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
- Using the shower between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. should be avoided. The use of washing machines is forbidden between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
- Dishwashers and washing machines must never be left running if no one is home. The water input tap must be closed when the machines are not used.
- The Facility Management Office must be immediately informed of people moving in or out, as well as new family members. The Facility Management Office must also be informed if the tenants will be out of the apartment for longer than 3 days.
- Smoking is strictly forbidden in all common premises of the building.
- Shaking and dusting textiles and throwing cigarette butts and other kinds of litter from balconies and windows is strictly forbidden. Only normal airing of clothes on the balcony is allowed.
- The use of open fire and opening the fire hatches in the basement is forbidden. The basement premises and cabinets must be kept clean and locked. Personal items must not be stored in the common premises. Bicycles, sledges, skis and other such equipment must be kept in good order in designated places. Children are not allowed to play or stay in the pram and bicycle shelters.
- Cleanliness and order must be observed in the yard. Unnecessary passage on lawn areas is forbidden. The yard may only be entered and exited through the passageways to the street. Crossing fences is strictly forbidden. Parking is only allowed in the marked areas.
- No items may be stored in the yard without the housing company's permission.
- All waste (incl. kitchen waste) must be taken to the waste container as dryly and properly packed as possible, and it must be ensured that no litter falls in the staircase or yard on the way to the waste container. Waste must be sorted as instructed. Only household waste can be left in the building's waste container; other types of waste must be disposed of by the tenants.
- It is forbidden to install outdoor cables or clotheslines above the balcony railing, or any other installations affecting the appearance of the building. Decorative plants may be kept on apartment balconies. Balconies must be kept clear of snow.
- Feeding birds from apartment windows and balconies, as well as in the building's yard area, is strictly forbidden.
- Any defects detected in the heating, plumbing or drainage systems must be reported to facility maintenance immediately; a tenant who has neglected to report such issues may be deemed responsible for compensating any damage caused by the defect.
- The lights of the common premises must be used sparingly. When leaving the basement premises, the lights must always be switched off. The fire doors leading from the staircase to the basement must be kept shut at all times.
- The housing company is obligated to seal taps, change seals and open drain traps at its own cost; however, this obligation does not cover toilet seats. Repair of toilet seats, as well as other repairs carried out in the apartments, are subject to a fee. It is forbidden to attach any signs, posters or notifications on the apartment doors, staircase walls, external walls or windows without the facility manager's permission. If tenants glue mirrors directly on the wall, these mirrors must be left in place when moving out. Tenants who detach glued mirrors must repair the wall to restore its original condition.
- Any repairs or alterations carried out in the apartments require the housing company's permission.
- Cleanliness must be observed in the building's sauna, which also means ensuring that children use the toilet properly. Used sauna whisks and other such supplies must not be left in the sauna premises. Everyone must clean the buckets using a brush and detergent and rinse the sauna benches using warm water after use. Excessive wetting of the steam room is, however, forbidden.
- The building's facility manager is Porin YH-Asunnot Oy. The maintenance service's contact information is on the bulletin board.
- It is forbidden to keep the lift reserved by keeping its door open. The lift must not be used for transporting items that may damage it. Particular caution must be observed when transporting prams or sharp objects in the lift. It is forbidden to use the lift for household effects in transit.
- These household rules are endorsed by the Board of the housing company, the Facility Manager and facility maintenance staff. Their comments must be observed.