Service advisors help seniors in everyday life
Have you faced a problem in everyday life, that you need help with? Our service advisors are willing to help you, confidentially. Don't hesitate to contact us.
When can I contact a service advisor?
You can contact our service advisor in following situations:
- When sorting out financial issues
- Applying for benefits and allowances
- When facing a risk for eviction
The service advisor is also the right person to contact, when reporting behaviour disturbing your living or unusual odours in your apartment.
Confidential and complimentary service advice
You can contact our service advisor fully confidentially and free of charge. The service advisor at Porin YH-Asunnot is Patrik Nyman. You can contact him:
By telephone:
- 044 701 2424 (Monday to Friday from 8 to 16, on other times, please leave a message)
- By e-mail: patrik.nyman@porinyhasunnot.fi