
The story of Silja-Sofia Ilvonen

Independence began on Vapaudenkatu. The fall of 2021 was an exciting time because that is when Silja-Sofia had just turned 18 – and decided to move from her childhood home to her own.

Silja-Sofia Ilvonen, a student from Pori, found her first home from Pori YH-Asunnot. The apartment on Vapaudenkatu was love at first sight. "Everything happened during a time period of one week! At the beginning of the week, I got the keys to a few apartments and visited them. The contract was written at the end of the week and I moved after the weekend," says Silja-Sofia enthusiastically.

The fall of 2021 was an exciting for Silja-Sofia. She had just turned 18 and decided to move from her childhood home to her own. Silja-Sofia's mother had strongly recommended YH-Asunnot in Pori and told her that she had the best living experience and many memories linked there. She wanted to offer this same positive experience to her daughter as well. Which is exactly what happened. "Incredibly friendly and wonderful service. You can always get help for everything and living here feels really safe," says Silja-Sofia about the experience with Porin YH-Asunnot.

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The location of the home is perfect

Silja-Sofia also visited other apartments in Pori, but the 34-square-meter studio on Vapaudenkatu immediately felt like home. "The apartment was beautifully designed, spacious, in good condition and neutral in color. The apartment is located near the center and within walking distance from school and hobbies, which made an impression. It's so great when you can just walk to the gym, swimming pool, cheerleading practice or even Kirjuri," says Silja-Sofia. Suitable rent for a student budget was the cherry on top. It also included the water fee and internet connection.

A cozy atmosphere is the most important thing

When it comes to living, the most important things for Silja-Sofia are a cozy atmosphere, clean apartment complex and easy, friendly communication with the staff. "Everything works out and you always get help. YH-Asunto's customer service is easy to contact because everyone is so friendly. There are also a lot of young students living in our apartment complex, and the community spirit is really good.", says Silja-Sofia.

In Silja-Sofia's opinion, the words cozy, safe and warm describe best the living in Pori YH-Asunto. When we ask if she would recommend Pori YH-Asunto to a friend, the answer is: absolutely! "I warmly recommend Pori YH-Asunto to both first-time renters and experienced movers."